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SCA Austria - Throwback to cuptasting 2023

Autorenbild: Cedric HansalekCedric Hansalek

What a weekend in Vienna. Thank you to all competitors, volunteers and the CoffeePirates Team for making the SCA Austria Cuptasting Championship 2023 possible. The final Ranking is: 1st Valentin Freyler 2nd Bojan Pasic 3rd Jakob Schwaiger 4th Helmut Haller Thank you also to all our sponsors. Events like this are not possible without you! #Brita #Espressolutions #LaMarzocco #Mazzer #JuliusMeinl #SalzburgMilch #Kaffeeothek #hauckBaristaTools #Artemis #RatioCoffee #KaffeeinstitutGoranHuber

Art Credit: @trahnam (Instagram)

Photo Credit: @einfachcedric (Instagram)


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